The show would just be like your Average Sitcom like Friends, The Office, etc...
some average dumbass working on this thing called Awkward Roommates
Somewhere in NJ
Joined on 10/9/20
The show would just be like your Average Sitcom like Friends, The Office, etc...
With most shows you want to give substance to your story telling. Have a goal that one or more characters want to achieve. From there you can choose a setting/theme.
Casting characters for your show really depends on what your show is going for but a good start for cartoons are to have at least two characters in your show minimum and at max no more than twenty. You will not be able to properly flush out twenty characters in a single season so to make things easier on yourself pick no more than seven characters to have depth and leave the rest for background scenes/skits.
If you boil things down most shows are either dramatic or comedic. If you pick one you can easily add your own twist on top of the core choice like a horror comedy or a sci-fi drama for examples.
The hardest part is figuring out those things written above but once you find your base story you can pretty much make a show that your characters could thrive in and be something worth watching so long as you understand what the payoff is at the end of it.
Now if you already did all of these things above but are still struggling for ideas you can maybe make a show based on two dudes in an apartment that want to get jobs so they can move on up in life and own a big house by the beach. You can have the two job hop and each place have the same boss in different uniforms but the situations get crazier as the jobs pay more. Eventually the two meet three more characters that can be their friends (you can pair them all up at parties or fun places to hang when you use them). As the story progresses you can add one final person that becomes a bully type character that you can use on/off to create an interesting episode between the main goal the two have.
Hope this helps you out in the future! Good luck.